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Work environment, responsibilities and consequences - Module 1.1

Work environment, responsibilities and consequences. Common basic safety certification for trucks, mass transfer machines and cranes. This module must be at the bottom of all further certified training.

Common theory for crane, truck and construction machine

Common theory is a basic introduction to current laws and regulations and will give users of work equipment mentioned in §10-3 in the "Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid" a basic introduction to the safe use of work equipment. Certified safety training 8 hours. For more information on certified safety training and module constructions click here.
The course is also useful for employers, senior personnel or other employees who need more knowledge about current laws and regulations.
The course is completed as follows:
Module 1.1 - 8 school hours, theory
Carried out over 1 day with a final theoretical test.
Supplementary course:
  • Module 2.1 - Forklift
  • Module 2.2 - Earth-moving machines
  • Module 2.3 - Lifting equipment

    * Ulykker som har hendt, hva er årsaken?
    * Arbeidsmiljøloven
    * Internkontrollforskriften
    * Maskinforskriften (Bestnr: 522)
    * Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid(Bestnr: 703)
    * Sikkerhetsskilting og signalgiving
    * Ytre miljø
    * Forsikring og ansvar
    * Farlig gods

Moduler i dette kurset

Ingen moduler funnet.


Ingen moduler funnet.

Det er ingen kurs tilgjengelig.

Info om kurssenter

Hylkjeflaten 8
5109 Hylkje

Tlf: 815 35 053 / 32 20 94 80


Kobbervikdalen 61
3036 Drammen

Tlf: 815 35 053 / 32 20 94 80


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